We are your sparring partner as a practice-oriented and implementation-strong personnel consultancy and develop sustainable and practical solutions together with you. We make our candidates fit to give you personal and career opportunities.

Icon Ilustration TalentScouting


When selecting talent, we take into account the wishes of employers on the one hand, and the respective conditions in the nurse’s country of origin on the other. Our partner network enables us to search for qualified professionals in a very targeted manner.

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fröhliche Frau Ärztin

Our partner network enables us to search specifically for qualified specialists as well as additional training. Transparent information, a high level of motivation and professional expectation management right from the start ensure a low dropout rate. You select your future talents according to your vacancies in a personal interview on site in the home countries or via online interview.

Our candidates
We select our participants before enrollment by ensuring not only they possess suitable work experience, but we ensure also their motivation, willingness to learn, and desire to come to on a long-term-basis.
Online job interviews
We coordinate and schedule the interviews with you. The candidates are pre-selected according to your desired profile, and you can get to know and select your applicants in online/video calls.
On-site job interviews
We like to offer our business partners the chance to get a picture on site. This gives you the opportunity to present yourself in person and to meet and select your candidates in their original environment.
In our partner country Philippines and other countries, the accreditation of your company is required for proper recruitment of professionals. We carefully prepare all documents and design a fast, straigthforward process.
Mitarbeiter Besprechung Zusammenhalt
Illustration TalentEducation Diplom


The professional and language training of our candidates is our core task and we provide holistic support in the professional and personal development of our talents. This way we want to play our part in securing the future opportunities of your employees - and those of your company.

In technical, linguistic and intercultural training courses, we familiarize your candidates with German nursing standards, German culture and the German healthcare system while they are still in their home country. We can also integrate your own teaching material via our interactive learning platform. This platform was developed to guarantee the same quality standards worldwide by means of specific material. This enables tracking of the language and subject levels completed in each case and targeted, individual support.

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Illustration Videos

Our nursing educators, nursing specialists, language and HR experts in the team know the challenges of the candidates from their own professional experience.

We prepare our candidates for the B2 language exam as well as for the specialist knowledge exam in Germany and support them with targeted practical and theoretical training.

Language training
Our own language teachers in the team can prepare you for the respective language exams in a targeted manner. In addition, we teach job-related German skills via our learning platform.
Specialized training
Depending on the wishes and possibilities, we carry out the technical preparation of the specialists in Germany or in the country of origin and accompany them until they have passed the specialist knowledge exams or completed the adaptation qualification.
Funding opportunities
We advise you on all funding opportunities for the professional recognition of your candidates. Language courses and adaptation measures in Germany can be subsidized, e.g. through education vouchers or further education funding programs, in some cases up to 100%!
Onboarding and integration
We support you in the sustainable integration of your employees into their new workplace. We offer custom-fit and field-tested seminar formats on all integration topics.
Illustration Icon Ort Migration


We look after and support you and our candidates with a team of experts in the entire process, such as the submission of the recognition file to the organization of the migration. In addition, we coordinate the entire visa process and communication with the respective German embassy. Our team of experts and our digital process structures enable a smooth and transparent project flow. You can rely on our expertise and view the progress of your candidates at any time with support from our specially developed platform.

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Illustration Kandidaten

Our professional know-how is supported by our specially developed software, which ensures transparency and monitoring of the process and makes the procedure clear, up-to-date and predictable for you and the candidates.

Process Management
Our professional know-how is supported by our specially developed software, which ensures transparency and monitoring of the process and makes the procedure clear, up-to-date and predictable for you and the candidates.
Professional recognition
The recognition of a degree acquired abroad is a prerequisite for working as a professional. We organize the entire process, from translations and official certifications to submission to the authorities, and thus accompany the entire recognition procedure until the certificate is issued.
Adaptation measures
We support you in the selection of a suitable course to prepare for the professional knowledge level or the organization of an adaptation course in coordination with the competent state authorities. In addition, we take over the registration for the knowledge examination.
Visa and migration
For professionals from non-EU countries, a national visa is required for migration, in order to obtain a residence permit, including for participation in an adaptation measure. We take over the compilation of all documents required for the visa, the application, accompany the process until the visa is obtained and subsequently organize the migration of your candidates for you.



  • Application of the participants
  • Selection interviews
  • Program enrollment


  • German course in home country from A1-B2 over 10-12 months
  • Job interviews (from A2), placement with employers
  • Application for recognition
  • Issuance employment contract
  • Preparation for life and work in Germany


  • Receipt of B2 certificate
  • Receipt of partial recognition
  • Visa formalities
  • Preparatory course for knowledge test


  • Salary from the day of arrival, initially as a care assistant
  • Permanent employment relationship, at least 24 months with the employer
  • Adaptation qualification/knowledge test
  • Receipt of certificate as a specialist
Notizenwand Mitarbeiter Kollegen fröhlich
Illustration TalentIntegration Weltkugel


Our international talent enriches the workforce of our employers. Immediately after arrival, however, new professionals face unfamiliar bureaucratic and administrative challenges. Even after an initial trade-in to their new existence, it makes sense to accompany this journey professionally.

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Relocation Services / Onboarding

  • Pick-up from the airport
  • Assistance with the registration of a residence
  • Application for tax number, GEZ, etc.
  • Assistance with opening a bank account, setting up a mobile phone
  • Accompanying the candidate to authorities
  • Support for integration into the new environment

Apartment hunting

  • Contacting real estate agencies and landlords
  • Preselection of possible objects
  • Accompaniment during sightseeing
  • Coordination of the conclusion of the rental contract
  • Assistance with the handover of the apartment and handover protocol

In-house courses

  • Courses via our Online Academy
  • General language with focus on communication skills and grammar
  • Vocabulary and technical vocabulary specific to the profession
  • Written competences for the documentation requirements in nursing care
  • Qualified and experienced lecturers (DaF/DaZ)

Integration Management

  • Regular feedback and evaluation meetings
  • Support and advice on the integration of professionals in their new social environment
  • Mediation of conflicts on site, if required